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שנות אחריות 10

על כל מזרני טמפור

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עד בית הלקוח

Icons/In_circle/moon Created with Sketch.



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מיוצר בדנמרק

Made in Denmark

For a true, restful sleep


המותג היחיד של מזרנים שמוכר על ידי נאס"א ומוסמך על ידי קרן החלל

החברה ומוצריה זכו להכרה על ידי נאס"א. בהודעה משותפת לתקשורת ב-6 במאי 1998 נאס"א הכירה בהישגים יוצאי הדופן של טמפור בהחלת טכנולוגיית נאס"א המקורית לשימוש יומיומי ושיפור איכות החיים של בני האדם

:לבדיקת פרטי ההסמכה, בקרו בכתובת tempur.com/spacefoundation



The only mattress brand recognised by NASA1 and certified by the Space Foundation2. At the heart of each mattress and pillow we create is our iconic TEMPUR® Material, born from NASA technology. In the late 60s, NASA scientists invented a completely new material that was then used onboard the Space Shuttles. Our founders realised the material’s unique potential. So they took that original NASA invention and spent years perfecting it into TEMPUR® Material and created the world’s first viscoelastic mattress and pillow.

First proving its value in the healthcare sector, TEMPUR® is now found in bedrooms around the world, transforming the sleep of millions. That’s why we’re the only mattress brand recognized by NASA for improving the quality of life1. This honour sets us apart, keeps us humble and inspires us to continually innovate, for sleep that’s out of this world - and it all started with those original NASA scientists

1The company and its products were recognised by NASA. At a joint press conference on May 6, 1998, NASA recognised TEMPUR®’s outstanding achievements in adapting the original NASA technology for everyday use and improving the quality of life for humankind.

2Visit tempur.com/spacefoundation for certification information.


TEMPUR® Material is unlike anything on Earth. The moment you lie down feels like pure magic as the cells instantly respond to your body’s shape, weight and warmth, precisely adapting and aligning to every inch of you. Its proven pressure relief gives your body total comfort and support. It can also help to reduce tossing and turning. It absorbs motion from your partner, so you are less likely to disturb one another. How TEMPUR® Material works is complex, but what it does is simple: help you to get that truly restful sleep.


TEMPUR® Mattresses and Pillows are made at our production centre in Denmark, a country with a long-respected heritage of pioneering science and technology. Danish design is also revered throughout the world – widely considered a distinctive mark of quality with clean lines that embrace the simplicity of nature. Our products perfectly reflect these characteristics, offering the perfect fusion of form, function and quality.


We create the best quality products to help you get the best night’s sleep. During the 60 hours it takes to create a TEMPUR® Mattress, our team performs up to 67 checks, ensuring every detail is perfect for your bedroom. That’s why every TEMPUR® Mattress comes with a 10-year manufacturer guarantee, plus LGA and TÜV quality certifications to meet the highest standards of health, safety, environmental and technical excellence. And our TEMPUR® pillows comes with a 3 year manufacturer’s guarantee. For peace of mind, that lasts.

? TEMPUR® למה

זה לא דבר אחד. זה יכול להיות חומר הטמפור הייחודי להקלה על לחצים, שנוצר בטכנולוגיה של נאס"א. או יותר מ-30 שנה של ידע וניסיון בשינה וחדשנות, מאז שיצרנו את המזרן והכרית הויסקו-אלסטיים הראשונים בעולם.

אולי פשוט מדובר בקסם של תחושת ה-TEMPUR® כשאתה שוכב, שעוזרת לך למצוא שינה אמיתית ושלמה. האמת היא, שזה כל זה ועוד הרבה יותר...

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